Why is it that, the forum is so silent not.like other ecosystem

We need to have a lot of discussions in this forum for the sake of the ecosystem. The sooner the community understands how this forum works, especially in terms of community decision making, DAO power, and voting, the more transparent and sustainable the ecosystem will be.


Great question! I think the forum community is still small relative to other platforms. As we launch testnet / Mainnet I expect more of the forum to be utilized.


Cool, I’m looking forward to seeing how we can help the ecosystem, i’m a experienced forum moderator and a regular contributor to the Near ecosystem., can’t wait to the decentralized community from Quai ecosystem.


Absolutely. It’s definitely something we want to happen organically. Trying to rush an ecosystem may lead to suboptimal long term decisions. Glad you’re here helping us grow!


Is nice to address these point, but I believe the forum will keep growing as the mainnet approaches.

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